Track Listing:
Soca Gold - Disc One
Feeling It
- Baron
Spring Garden on Fire -Ras Isley
Walk and
Wine - Invader
Thunder - Duke
Ah Come Out
To Party - Shadow
- Sing in the Party - Scrunter
- In De Congaline - Spice & Co
- Me Ent Fighting - Bally
Say, Say
(Baby My Soul on Fire) - Jerry James
- Pan in Danger - Merchant
Drive It - Crazy
- Parkway Rock - Rootsman
Soca Gold - Disc Two
Rock Me,
Rock Me - Rootsman
Ah Comin’ Too - Merchant
- Happy- Shandileer feat. Ronnie McIntosh
Shake It - Sound Revolution
Wine Down (and touch your toe) -Chinaman Choy
- If Yuh Gun Up - Rukshun
Judith -
- Wet Me Down - Johnny King
- Doh Rock It So - Ajala
- Bees Melody - Kitchener
Workey, Workey - Relatives
- Luv Up - Shandileer feat. Carl & Carol Jacobs
Soca Gold - Disc Three
- Fete - Sugar Aloes
- Bus Conductor - Poser
- Camera On You - Kitchener
- Gimme More - Crazy
- Lucifer - Bally
- Ah Cyar Wine - Delamo
- Mash It Up - Jayson
Miami Vibes - Rootsman
- The Jammer - Baron
- Pan Woman - De Alberto
- Take Ya Clothes Off - Spice & Co.
- Frenchman - Taxi
Soca Gold Box Set
Volume One
Three CDs of Soca Calypso Classics

eCaroh Price: $35.00